As I write
This pen is draining out of ink
I watch it sink into a depth
Of a mind that always thinks
On the brink of self destruction
Or maybe genius at its peak
I'll always write the words unfolding
As long at this pen has its ink
Leave a trail, a path unwinding
Defining what's at stake
I want to make the best decisions
But this pen's about to break
For heaven's sake, I want to terry
Want to wary the mistakes
So I will continue to write
As long as I am still awake
Never forsake
For I have never found a fault
As I write the words unravel
Traveling to world's assault
Smell the salt cast from the sea
Halted by the sand's revolt
The vault locks in the darkness
But it's light that I exalt
By default
It seems that I've been given grace
I knew no face of my Salvation
As I rested in His gaze
So amazed at my afflictions
As convictions drew me crazed
For He knew a day would come
That these eyes would see His face
Now I'm writing at this desk
And the ink has long run out
But these words they still unravel
Through the blood that He's poured out
Never fading in its brilliance
Just cascading all throughout
I'm awaken to a Love
I can't cease to write about